December 2, 2010


When you keep thinking about sense objects, attachment comes. Attachment breeds desire, the lust of possession that burns to anger. Anger clouds the judgment; you can no longer learn from past mistakes. Lost is the power to choose between what is wise and what is unwise, and your life is utter waste.

But when you move amidst the world of sense, free from attachment and aversion alike, there comes the peace in which all sorrows end, and you live in the wisdom of the Self.

- Bhagavad Gita 2:62-65

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October 23, 2010



That which makes the eye see but cannot be Seen by the eye, that is the Self indeed. This Self is not someone other than you.

- Kena Upanishad

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June 17, 2010

Ceaseless births

At all times and to all creatures
The seed of ceaseless births is desire.
If you must desire, desire freedom from birth.
That will only come by desiring desirelessness.

~ Tirukkural 37:361-362

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April 12, 2010

The weeds

Those who have spent ten or twenty years brushing aside the weeds looking for the way and yet have not see the buddha nature often say they are trapped by oblivion and excitement. What they don't realize is that the substance of this very oblivion and excitement is itself buddha nature.
~ Kao-feng

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February 19, 2010


When tranquility is developed, what purpose does it serve?
The mind is developed.

And when the mind is developed, what purpose does it serve?
Passion is abandoned.

When insight is developed, what purpose does it serve?
Discernment is developed.

And when discernment is developed, what purpose does it serve?
Ignorance is abandoned.

~ Anguttara Nikaya

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February 18, 2010


Don't wave lights and incense, or offer flowers and food. He is found effortlessly when worshipped through self-realization alone.

-- Maharamayana